Hornet Central is your one-stop shop for registration, student finances, and enrollment forms on your way to SU!
As you enroll at Shenandoah as an Undergraduate Student, you will need to:
View instructions on how to apply for Financial Aid. A FAFSA must be completed for each academic year you will be attending. You may complete your FAFSA in October for the upcoming academic school year.
Once you have been accepted and submitted your FAFSA, you will receive your Financial Aid Package in the mail around mid to late March. You may also view your financial aid package online via Hornet Hub. You will need to log in with your username and password which are sent to you by Admissions. Once you have logged into Hornet Hub, please select the Financial Aid tab.
Your Financial Aid Package will be mailed to the address on your Shenandoah University Application. If you need to update your address, please submit the Change of Name/Address Form to Hornet Central.
Please note: Shenandoah must have your social security number on file to match your FAFSA results with your student account. Therefore, you cannot receive any federal aid package until your social security number is on file. For security purposes never email your social security number.
You may be selected for Verification. If you have been selected, the Office of Financial Aid must verify your tax return information. You will receive an email containing the following information:
What is Verification?
Verification is a random selection (by the Department of Education) of approximately one-third of students FAFSAs to ensure that their information is correct and that students receive all aid that they are eligible for.
What do I need to submit?
Please login to Hornet Hub to see what documents are outstanding and need to be submitted to our office. You can view these requirements in yellow on the Financial Aid screen.
Please be sure to submit everything requested as quickly as possible and complete all forms accurately. Due to the complexity of this process, it may take up to 4 weeks for completion. Additionally, you will need to monitor your email for communication from our office regarding this process.
How do I submit my documents?
You can submit these documents in person, by mail, via fax or in an email. Always include your student ID number on every page of any documents you send so we can match them to your account. If you do not include your student ID number, we may not be able to match the documents to your account. If you email these documents, please block out any social security numbers in order to protect your identity.
Paying your enrollment deposit holds your seat in the incoming class and the program of your choice. This is not an extra expense, your $300 deposit is a credit on your first term bill.
Submit your deposit now:
Residential living is often one of the most dynamic parts of a student’s university experience and Shenandoah is a residential campus. First-year students and sophomore students are required to reside in campus housing.
New students can complete the housing application between March 1 – May 31 if admitted for the fall term. You will receive a detailed email from Residence Life with instructions on how to access the online application. You must apply for housing no later than May 31 to ensure full consideration. You will receive your housing assignment around July 15.
New students admitted for the spring term may complete the housing application starting November 1.
Roommates matched by the Office of Residence life have a 96% success rate!
Selecting Your Roommate
After completing your online Housing Application, you will be directed to a Roommate Selection page. This will allow you to search for a specific roommate or find one based on your indicated preferences.
For more information explore Residence Life at SU.
If you have questions about housing, please contact the Office of Residence Life.
Residential Students
First-Year Students Can Select The 19-Meals Per Week Or 15-Meals Per Week Plan.
Each meal period (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Late Night at Brandt Student Center Food Court) is considered a “meal.” When you enter a dining establishment, your card is swiped and one meal is taken off your card. Meals do not transfer from week to week. One meal swipe may be used per hour.
Meal plans cannot be reduced after August 17 for the fall semester and January 17 for the spring semester for the 2021-22 academic year.
To update your meal plan before the deadline contact Residence Life
The 15 and 19 meal plans come with $50 in Flex dollars. This money can be used both on and off campus. View a complete list of locations. Flex dollars may not be used in the Bookstore. Flex dollars do not transfer to the next term.
View Residential Meal Plans.
Meal Plans for Commuting Students
Commuter students may purchase a commuter meal plan. Commuter meal plans are purchased through Hornet Central, payment is due at the time of purchase. Commuter meal plans for the Fall term will be available for purchase starting on July 15. The commuter meal plan will be available to use as of Welcome Week.
View Commuter Meal Plans.
If you have a credit balance on your student account and would like to use these funds to pay for your commuter meal plan, you must complete this form. You will need your username and password to access this electronic form.
Learn more about Dining at Shenandoah.
If you are the recipient of any scholarships or grants from outside of Shenandoah University, please log into Hornet Hub and select the financial aid tab. Once on this page select Report/View Outside Awards from the drop down menu at the top of the page. Here you will enter each outside award you are receiving by clicking the Add an Award tab.
All full-time undergraduate students participate in the iMLearning Program. Students are issued a MacBook, iPad and Apple Pencil at Navigator. View iMLearning FAQs for further details.
Please review the Program Equipment Lease Agreement prior to attending Navigator. You are responsible for being aware of the terms of this lease agreement prior to providing your electronic signature at Navigator.
Students under the age of 18 must have a parent present at Navigator to sign the lease agreement.
If you are unable to attend Navigator or unable to pick up your equipment during Navigator, please contact Don Silvius, dsilvius@dandick.net, to schedule a time to pick up your iMLearning Equipment.
Shenandoah offers credit for AP classes with a score of 3 or higher on the test and Dual Enrollment classes with a grade of C or higher in the class.
To receive credit for your AP, Dual Enrollment classes, and/or other college classes, send all college transcripts which reflect your Dual Enrollment work, other college classes and your AP test scores to Shenandoah. The Registrar’s Office will review your transcripts and award your credit.
Questions about your AP, Dual Enrollment, and/or other college course credit? Contact the Transfer Evaluation Coordinator at (540) 545-7203.
Please note: The scores for any senior year AP tests are not available until early July. This is after most summer orientation dates, where students receive their fall class schedule. Any courses that may be waived by those scores could still show on your original Summer Orientation schedule because your scores are not yet available. Once you receive your AP scores, please check to see if any requirements have been fulfilled by AP and contact your advising coordinator if schedule changes are required.
Credit is also offered for Cambridge Exams and Higher Level IB Exams.
Academic success is related to your overall health, and the Wilkins Wellness Center is your one-stop hub for health and counseling services. You need to submit your immunization and physical forms to the Wilkins Wellness Center no later than August 1st if starting in the fall term, December 15th if starting in the spring term, or May 15 if starting in the summer term. Students who do not complete health forms by August 1 for the fall term, December 15 for the spring term, or May 15 for the summer term will incur late fees.
Students must complete a waiver or enroll in the health insurance plan annually. You must submit the waiver or enroll in the insurance plan by August 1 or you will incur a late fee. Please select the link below.
Student Health Insurance Enroll or Waiver
SU General Admission Health Forms
Please review the Health and Insurance Requirement section to be sure you are completing the appropriate form and obtain the necessary documentation of immunizations.
Question may be directed to the Wilkins Wellness Center at (540) 665-4530.
Athletes in fall sports may need to submit their physical forms prior to August 1. Please check with your coach to confirm specific dates.
If you have a credit balance on your student account, will be enrolling in the university health insurance plan, and would like to use all or part of this money to pay for your health insurance, please complete this form. You will need your username and password to access this electronic form.
Selecting your Work Study Placement
Students interested in applying for a work study position must first accept their work study award via Hornet Hub. Only students who have accepted their work study award will receive the work study link in Hornet Hub to access the jobs portal and apply for positions online.
Students eligible for work study can earn up to $2,000 a year with an equal allotment of $1,000 per term. (Fall and spring only)
Work Study job placements are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for positions of interest online via the jobs portal.
Changing your Work Study Placement
If a student wishes to transfer to another position, the request for transfer must be sent to the Student Employment Coordinator via email at studentwork@dandick.net for consideration and approval. Under no circumstances should a student employee change positions without approval. Lack of approval will delay compensation.
Work study payment
Students receive a paycheck based on hours worked; earnings are not applied directly to their student account.
If you haven’t already signed up for direct deposit, please do so now! Log into Hornet Hub and complete banking Information.
We encourage all students to sign up for direct deposit however, if you choose not to, work study checks will be automatically mailed on scheduled pay dates, to the student’s legal permanent address on file. Checks with International addresses must be picked up in Hornet Central.
- All time cards are to be approved first by the student employee by the end of the day on the Tuesday following the end of the pay period. The supervisor is required to submit approval of hours worked the following Thursday. Failure to adhere to the payroll deadlines will delay compensation.
- Shenandoah University operates using a bi-weekly payroll system with work study paychecks processed every other Friday. Student employees are paid two weeks in arrears therefore hours worked will be paid two Fridays after the end of the pay period.
Additional Information
View information on how to complete your time card and required tax forms for information on how to complete your time card and required tax forms.
If you have questions or need assistance, please email studentwork@dandick.net or call 540-665-4607.
All new Shenandoah students are registered for their initial classes by their academic dean’s office. Academic offices register students based on their major, curriculum course requirements and course availability. Course schedules are given to students who attend Summer Orientation. Students who are not able to attend Summer Orientation should contact the academic advising office of their school.
All Shenandoah University first-year students are required to take a Going Global: First-Year Seminar (FYS) course in the fall semester. You get to select from a variety of course topics designed to engage you in stimulating discussions about global issues. You must register your top five FYS choices by July 15.
Students who wish to change classes in their schedule are able to do so during Welcome Week and the add/drop period by submitting the course schedule adjustment form. If after you have been enrolled in classes you decide to change your major, you must submit the online Curriculum Change Form. You will need your username and password to log into Etrieve to submit this online form.
After the first semester at Shenandoah, students are responsible for course registration with their specific academic advisor. Hornet Central can help you with all of your course registration needs.
The Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act (FERPA) governs students’ access to their education records.
At the post-secondary level, parents have no inherent rights to inspect their student’s educational records; the right to inspect is limited solely to the student. When a student reaches the age of 18 or begins attending a school beyond the high-school level, regardless of age, FERPA rights transfer from the parent to student.
Students can provide written consent for their parents to access their education records by completing the Consent to Release Education Records Form and submitting it to Hornet Central. If this form is not completed, once a student is enrolled in classes their parents will no longer have access to their students education records.
Students may grant parent/person proxy access to their parents which allows them to view their student account, financial aid information and make payments online. Granting parent/person proxy online access does not grant permission for faculty or staff to discuss the students education and financial records. Students must also complete and submit the FERPA form to grant permission for their education record to be discussed with a parent, family member, or anyone else.
To grant Parent/Person Proxy access, the student must:
- Login to Hornet Hub
- Click on student’s name at the top right of page
- Choose View/Add Proxy Access from drop down menu
- Please note that you must enter the parent/person’s current/existing email address so the parent/person can receive his/her username and password.
Once a parent has been granted Parent/Proxy access, parent must:
- Login as a Parent/Person Proxy using your username and password
- Select the student name, not the parent/person name, from list on the Person Proxy page
- Select Student Finance
- Select Make a Payment
Your SU Student Identification Card photo will be taken during check-in at Summer Orientation and you will receive your ID at the activities fair at the end of Orientation.
Lost cards should be reported immediately to the Auxiliary Services Office. A replacement card will be issued by Auxiliary Services. A replacement fee will be charged to the student’s account. Payment is due within 5 business from the date the replacement fee is charged to the student’s account. Go to Hornet Hub to make payment online or go in person to Hornet Central.
For safety and financial reasons, your old card will be deactivated.
529/College Prepaid Plans
If you have purchased a 529/College Prepaid Plan, the owner of the account will need to contact the 529/Prepaid plan to determine how to initiate payment to the University and determine how much time is required by the plan to process and mail the payment.
Virginia College Savings Plan, Florida Prepaid and Texas Prepaid are the only 529/College Prepaid Plans that send a roster of students and an amount to invoice per student per term directly to the University. Virginia College Savings Plan requires that you complete an Intent to Enroll form found on their website before they will send any information to Shenandoah University. These rosters are normally sent in mid to late July.
Employer Tuition Payments
Shenandoah requires a letter of authorization from your employer, if they will pay part or all of your tuition and fees. The authorization letter must be on company letterhead, include your full name, the term(s) for which they will pay, the amount they will pay, a company contact name and phone number, and an address to which the invoice should be mailed. The university will not send an invoice to your employer if we have not received a letter of authorization.
Scholarships Requiring An Invoice
If you have received a notice that a Scholarship you have been awarded requires that the University submit an Invoice, the notice must be submitted to Hornet Central.
View the breakdown of your tuition cost, prices of various levels of meal plans, the costs of your technology, and added costs for specific majors.
Pay Your Tuition
A nonrefundable 1.5% surcharge is imposed on the transaction amount of all credit and debit card payments, which is not greater than the cost of acceptance.
Electronic Checks can be made online, a $3.00 fee will be applied to electronic check payments.
2024-2025 Tuition Due Dates
- Fall Term: August 5
- January Term: December 15
- Spring Terms: December 15
- Summer Term I & Pharmacy/HP Summer Term: May 10
- Summer Term II: June 15
2023-2024 Tuition Due Dates:
- Fall Terms: August 4
- January Term: December 15
- Spring Terms: December 15
- Summer Term I & Pharmacy/HP Summer Term: May 10
- Summer Term II: June 14
View Your Account Statement And Make A Payment
- Login to Hornet Hub
- Your username and password are sent to you via email from the Admissions Office
- Select “Student Finance” from top of page
- Select “Make a Payment” from the drop down menu. You may not make a payment unless there is a current balance due.
Students may grant Parent/Person Proxy access to a person of their choice.
To grant Parent/Person Proxy access, the student must:
- Login to Hornet Hub
- Click on student’s name at the top right of page
- Choose View/Add Proxy Access from drop down menu
- Please note that you must enter the parent/person’s current/existing email address so the parent/person can receive his/her username and password.
Once a parent has been granted Parent/Proxy access, parent must:
- Login as a Parent/Person Proxy using your username and password
- Select the student name, not the parent/person name, from list on the Person Proxy page
- Select Student Finance
- Select Make a Payment
If you will be mailing a check, be sure to provide the student’s full name and Shenandoah ID number with the check. Please mail payment to the following address:
Shenandoah University
Hornet Central
1460 University Drive
Winchester, VA 22601
Shenandoah University Payment Plan
Shenandoah offers families the option to divide their tuition bill into monthly payments per term.
Fall payments are due August through November. Spring payments are due December through March.
Apply for a Shenandoah University Payment Plan.
- Visit Shenandoah University Bookstore
- Enter required fields to obtain books needed for each course
First-year students are allowed to have cars on campus!
All students, commuting and residential, who drive or park a vehicle on university owned or leased property must have a valid parking permit. Permits are valid August through July 31.
Purchase a 2024-2025 Student Parking Permit
Upon proper registration and proper placement of the decal permit on your vehicle, you are permitted to park motor vehicles in designated parking areas on campus.
Hornet Dollars may be purchased at any time. Students who purchase Hornet Dollars use their identification card to access these funds that can be used in the campus bookstore to purchase books, supplies, and SU gear and to purchase food and non-alcoholic beverages at select locations both on and off campus.
Find more information and details of where you may use Hornet Dollars.
Submit the Hornet Dollars eTrieve form Hornet Dollars – Financial Aid Credit Purchase if using a Financial Aid Credit to purchase or Hornet Dollars – Personal Payment Purchase if using a personal payment to purchase. After your initial purchase has been received and processed in Hornet Central, additional Hornet Dollars may be purchased online.
If you have a credit balance from your financial aid on your student account and would like to use all or part of the credit to purchase Hornet Dollars, you must first complete the Title IV Incidental Fee Authorization Form. You will need your username and password to log into Etrieve to complete this online form.
If you do not use all of your Hornet Dollars, the remaining balance will be refunded to you upon graduation.
Electronic refund checks are available to students who receive financial aid in excess of the amount necessary to cover tuition, fees, and room and board charges. Electronic refund checks are also available to students who overpay, receive alternative loans, or withdraw within the first 60% of the term and have a credit balance after all adjustments to tuition and financial aid have been processed.
Federal Student Financial Aid regulations require that the University refund any financial aid funds that are credited to a student’s account in excess of the cost of tuition, fees, and room and board. Electronic refund checks are issued the second Friday of the Fall and Spring terms. The refund dates for the summer terms depend on the start date of the course(s) for which you are enrolled. If financial aid is awarded after the start date of the term in the fall and/or spring terms or the start date of your course(s) in the summer terms, an electronic refund check will be issued within 7 to 14 days of the award being applied to your student account.
Bank account information must be entered in Hornet Hub by August 1st. In order to receive an electronic refund check, students must log into Hornet Hub and follow these instructions to enter bank account information.
Refund request forms are only necessary when the check should be made payable to a third party.
Students requesting to have their enrollment at Shenandoah University verified need to complete the Enrollment Verification Request Form and return it to the Registrar’s Office.
Shenandoah University verifies student enrollment by semester. If you need verification for multiple semesters, a separate letter will be created for each semester. If you have any questions pertaining to Enrollment Verification, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (540) 665-3499 or registrar@dandick.net.